L’ENFANT TRISTE : A new interpretation of the myth of Peter Pan : the sad child is apparently a light, cheerful, innocent and heartless child who, following a tragedy or because he was ordered to become too suddenly adult, desperately clings to the country of his childhood.
« Peter Pan wanted so much to escape human being’s destiny that he had decided to remain a bird, as before his birth ». The sad child often takes the path of Peter Pan to the mysterious island of Never-Never. It’s impossible for him to cry, so he chooses to feel nothing. He flies away and buries his sadness in this secret and inaccessible place, the Never-Never of his childhood.
Christophe Torion closely follows Peter Pan's flights, in order to discover the sad child behind the smiles, the one who does not want to grow up, the one who cries in the adult.
for Wind Orchestra
Christophe TORION
Grade : 3
Duration : 3:45
Reference : EMP - EC 013S
Collection : EUROPEAN COMPOSERS - Masterpieces